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Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion
Solo Exhibition of Leong Chou In
If one has a project - or more precisely, is living in a project - one always is already in the future.
- Boris Groys, “The Loneliness of the Project”
Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s Companion is an ongoing project conceived and implemented by artist Joein, Leong Chou In. It began in 2021 as a series of simple body exercises and has since evolved into an artist book and a portable art exhibition.
Starting with the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, the artist designs and initiates twenty life actions, inviting individuals to dedicate brief moments of time to their physical being and allowing the body to become a companion to the soul.
In this exhibition, the artist has chosen several exercises from the book for the audience to participate in, using various tools and prompts. For example, the exhibition includes a treadmill and a recording device that allows the audience to walk and meditate on “Who Am I?” within the exhibition space; reciting “So That You Will Hear Me,” Pablo Neruda’s love poem, in various foreign languages to create “Beautiful Misunderstanding”; providing the digits of Pi for the “Sound Making Exercise” without any intention to provoke thought; offering free water from an in-house bakery to practice “Good Deeds Bringing Good Outcomes”; and giving away cat food to encourage the audience to take a stroll down the street and experience “Connection with Other Creatures” after the exhibition. Some other exercises are only available as public programs during the exhibition period, designed to extend the experience and foster connections among individuals who “do not rely on or even know each other.”
With books as the medium, the artist creates, demonstrates and documents these simple life actions that take no more than thirty minutes and can be practiced by anyone. Anyone can claim them, and anyone will find such a choice and freedom. Through the exhibition, the audience is curious about how to free these ideas in space and spread them through action.
Strictly speaking, there are no art pieces displayed here. Only some assignments and tools are arranged to propose a future life and document some people who are already on their way.
This exhibition is curated by Lam Sio Man, organized by MyLand Culture and is part of the MyLand Living Room art space program.

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Twenty Exercises for the Body to Be the Soul’s
Have you lost your soul in the hustle and bustle of everyday life? The
book offers 20 exercises to align your soul and body, allowing them to be each
other’s companion.
The author is the artist Joein Leong, who deconstructs what we take
for granted in our lives with these carefully designed tasks that provide
unusual sensory experiences. They originated from “Simple Body Exercise”, a
creative project she conceived during her art residency in Chongqing in 2021.
“The artist simply borrows the six sense concepts of ‘eyes, ears, nose, tongue,
body and mind’ in Buddhism to directly experience and establish mutual
relationships through a series of behaviors in the process. The relationship is
meaning. The action is expression. And here comes the final ‘Simple Body
Exercise’” (Hu Yanzi, 2021). What Hu meant was that the author built a
relationship with where she was through her sensory actions, and that meaning
lies in the relationship. Later on, Leong expanded and added fun to the
project, transforming the actions into exercises doable by everyonÍe in their
lives. Be it going up and down a stairway until your body heats up (Acting Like
Sisyphus), reading out the Pi digits without thinking of anything else (Sound
Making Exercise), or imagining being your pet going out for a walk (Me Being a
Pet), the exercises will relax you by temporarily slowing down the pace of your
life and pulling you away from your stressful pursuits of fame and fortune.
They will make your body a reliable companion to your soul wherever you do
them, and you may find the meaning of life in their relationship.
How long has it been since you were inspired?
Are you expecting to experience moments slightly different from those
in your daily life again?
Perhaps you are not looking for anything and just want to move your
body for it to accompany the resting soul.
Twenty Exercises for the
Body to Be the Soul’s Companionis your guide and starting point.
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井井三一 Júbilo 31 books
邊度有書 Pin-to Livros
香港 Hong Kong
唐山書店 Tonsan Bookstore
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Printed Matter, inc.
澳門 macau
井井三一 Júbilo 31 books
邊度有書 Pin-to Livros
香港 Hong Kong
唐山書店 Tonsan Bookstore
紐約 NewYork
Printed Matter, inc.

作者Author / 梁祖賢 Joein, Leong Chou In
編輯 Editor / 林香君 Lin Hsiang Chun
統籌 Coordination / 林小雯 Lam Sio Man
譯者 Translation / 順意翻譯 Puzzlefree Translation
出版 Published by / 埋欄文化 Myland Culture
發行 Distribution / 燈塔出版社 Guia Editora
設計 Book Design / SomethingMoon Design
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'Simple Body Exercise' solo exhibition
《簡單身體運動》 個展
Dimensions art center artist in residency, Chong Qing
十方國際藝術駐留項目, 重慶
exhibition review 開幕回顧
exhibition introduction 展覽介紹
Philosophers often ask about the meaning oflife? If life is meaningless, should we actively move forward or confront it bylying down? Soul exploration is endless and clueless, we know it but stillunconsciously indulge in it. The uncertainty of the future and theconfrontation with life have become an addiction, we let the fear spread andlet the panic sink.
I differentiate the functions of the bodyand soul. I used to name the soul and the body ‘we’ together. If I cantemporarily leave the swirl of my soul, and give time to the body to lead,the simple Body Exercise based on the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and bodywill guide me to return to the relationship between myself and the six roots.
I’m exploring a completely unfamiliar city.When you and I are both doing the same instructional actions, leaving behindfootprints either shallow or deep, similar or different, and then we share moreinexplicable special connections. ‘We’and ‘We’ do not rely on each other, or even know eachother, but here we are, a simple nod for our both existence.
Find a long staircase, two steps up, up and down, walk until your body heats up
Go to a place with good air or strange air and breathe in the following way. Inhale and exhale ten times from the left nostril, ten times from the right nostril, ten times from both nostrils, ten times from the mouth, run in place and breathe at will until you are tired
Imitate animals or friends

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an international artist, should take the initiative in exhibition
As a motivated international artist, he
should take the initiative to participate in different forms of exhibitions in
different regions. I believe that by doing so, he can get closer to his dream.
Therefore, I carefully selected the video works, put them in my pocket,
volunteered to display the works on the spot whenever I had the opportunity,
and selected works for display according to the relevance of the works
displayed at the exhibition venues visited at that time.
On the day of the exhibition: The Hong Kong Arts Centre's "Collectors' Exhibition Contemporary Art Collection" was divided into sections by category of work. I walked up to the corner of the video works and stood upright, holding up the work for display. Happily, I managed to get some attention, and a woman came to stand and look at it, "I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but no one thought it would be so difficult," and she left without applause. After that, I followed the flow of people and went to two different spots. The total number of visitors was 8 and there were no security guards on site.
Title: Collectors' Exhibition Contemporary Art Works Collection
Venue: Hong Kong Arts Centre
Time: March 30, 2019, 15:14pm- March 30, 2019, 16:05pm
Works in the exhibition: I knew it wouldn't be easy, but no one thought it would be so difficult.
Entry Information: 2016 | Single Video | Color | 2'42"| Audio
參展時間:2019年3月30日下午15:14- 2019年3月30日下午16:05
參展作品資料: 2016年 | 單頻錄像 | 彩色 | 2’42”| 有聲
The day of the exhibition: The Venice Biennale, Italy, is indeed one of the most important art events in Europe, with a constant flow of people, regardless of their age, from thirty to eighty. I chose to show my work in front of the main pavilion, and it was shown six times in a loop. Perhaps Europeans have become accustomed to art and eccentrics, and no one asked me during the show, which passed in ten minutes or so.
Title: 2019 Venice Biennale
Venue: Venice, Italy
Time: May 21, 2019, 10:34am- May 21, 2019, 10:50am
Entry: I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but no one thought it would be so difficult.
Entry Data: 2016 | Single Video | Color | 2'42" | Audio
參展時間:2019年5月21日早上10:34- 2019年5月21日早上10:50
參展作品資料:2016年 | 單頻錄像 | 彩色 | 2’42”| 有聲
On the day of the exhibition: There were three floors above and below the 2018 Taipei Biennial, and I chose several locations to display my works. First, among the transparent spheres hanging in the air, I showed "I knew it was not an easy task, but no one thought it would be so difficult. Then I showed "Forever and Ever" with the same natural atmosphere next to the flower and bird artworks. Then the above two video works were displayed in the long white walkway. Finally, I saw a vacant shelf for me to display the works by public demand. The audience was very curious and the exhibition was very successful, with 43 visitors, including security guards.
Title: Taipei Biennial 2018
Venue: Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Time: March 9, 2019, 16:03 PM- March 9, 2019, 18:17 PM
Works in the exhibition: I knew it would not be easy, but no one thought it would be so difficult.
Entry Data: 2016 | Single Video | Color | 2'42"| Audio
參展時間:2019年3月9日下午16:03- 2019年3月9日下午18:17
參展作品資料:2016年 | 單頻錄像 | 彩色 | 2’42”| 有聲

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