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"The event will pass away, but the essence will remain, engraved in the body.
-Françoise Héritier)
In 2018, creator J Lei started a series of dance theatre works on the theme of "fading" and "fragmentation" of the essence of life, including "Silence" (2018), and in 2019, together with New York artist Morgan O'Hara, local dancer Oscar Cheong and video creator Joein Leong, they will create "Silence - Shift".
After two previous works, in 2020, the creative team will present "Silence. Shadow Shadows", which explores the involuntary, fragility and emptiness of the body in the passage of light and shadow.
-艾希提耶(Françoise Héritier)
2018年,創作人 J Lei 以「消逝」、「殘缺」之生命本質為題,開展系列舞蹈劇場創作,包括《靜默》(2018),以及2019年聯同紐約藝術家Morgan O’Hara、本地舞者張楚誠及錄像創作人梁祖賢,共同創作《靜默・移轉》。