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Van Van ── Conceptual Photography works
雲雲 ─ 觀念攝影作品展
Joein had been choosed her
grandma as this creative theme. The worksfocus on previous exploration and
deliberation of a conceptual theme, so that distinctive, subjective ideas are
incorporated on the photos at the actual shooting. This way, the aesthetic
beauty derives not only from composition and tonality, but comprises profound,
emotional relationships between photographer and subject.
梁祖賢以她的祖母作為創作主題,並以攝影這個媒介將其觀念視覺化。他們的作品會集中在影像拍攝前對觀念主題的探 索和思考,讓捕捉 影像那一刻已帶有主動和明確想法。作品的「美」不只是來自照片的構圖和色調,而是拍攝者與被攝對象之間一連串深刻的情感呈現。