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Tranquillity Transmission

Brochure 場刊

According to the laws of nature, disease gradually erodes the body and life fades away little by little. A few years before her death, French anthropologist Françoise Héritier wrote The Sweetness of Life. The book starts with a letter the author sent to her doctor and then became a long list of everyday reasons that make life worth living.

Local video artist Joein Leong and dancer Oscar Cheong, will join hands with American artist Morgan O’Hara, who is renowned for her “live transmission” drawing, to explore the meaning of disappearance and incompletion of life. It is a recollection of what has disappeared and a testimony of what is gone.


法國人類學家艾希提耶(Françoise Héritier)在過世前寫了一本小書《生命中的鹽》(Le Sel de la vie),開始於她寫給醫生的回信,然後一發不可收拾,成了一份生命清單。

是次作品聯合本地錄像工作者梁祖賢,專注於進行「生命移轉」現場繪畫的紐約藝術家Morgan O’Hara,以及舞者張楚誠,展開一場對「消逝」、「殘缺」之生命本質的探索。那是對消逝的追思,也是對留下的印證。

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